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Riding Lessons.
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Have you ever heard the phrases:



"We're better together"




"We don't live well without you?"


Consider this our invitation for you to learn your identity in Christ 

- whom God says you are -

and to join the Camel Caravan, inspired by

Genesis 24:60:



"And they blessed Rebekah and said to her,

'Our sister, may you increase to

thousands upon thousands.'"



Can you picture yourself somewhere in the middle of those riders?

Here are some camel name questions:

1) What is the significance of the camel?
Great question. The camel represents the vehicle for transporting and transforming us back to the Father.

2) What is the significance of the camel's name? 
Good question. By asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the name of our camel, we are declaring our new identity in Christ and with Christ. 

3) What do we do on the camel?
Ahhhhh... We sit and rest; watch and pray, and take in the view that God has put in our path. 

4) Do I do this alone?
We were hoping you'd ask this... Thank Heavens, NO! We were created to be in a family. This is a team sport and everyone in the Body of Christ has been designed by the Divine for a purpose. We are an expression of God's love -- He intentionally breathed into us a part of Himself, so that when the world sees us they say, "You really resemble your Father." When we receive His name, it gives our name meaning. I AM.... (fill in the blank: Hope, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Acceptance, Fearless...).

So let us ask you:


Are you ready to ride?

Can you picture yourself high and lifted up? What if you decided to let the weight of the world fall to the ground, and instead sat and pondered and celebrated the wonder?

If you choose to join us on this journey, you will be seated in the middle of a train of sojourners also making this trek.


Don't miss a minute of the trip!


Like Rebekah, pour the Living water (your precious gift - your name that reflects our awesome God) into all those you meet, and let them pour into you their gifts as they pass by or travel the miles with you. 

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?


That's how long this trip is going to take. When you are ready, surrender the reins to the Spirit; after all, He's the only one who knows the way Home.


Hope to see you in camel traffic!



Who do you say I AM?
Matthew 16:15
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