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Camel Journey

Enjoy the ride.

Hagar is SEEN

Rebekah is FOUND

Rachel is CHOSEN

the Samaritan woman is REDEEMED


You are NAMED.





WELLcome to the Camel Journey!



Our journey begins about 4,000 years ago,

in search of a bride,

with ten thirsty, treasure-laden camels,

and a fearless girl who said,


"I will."






It is a journey of...

















...and will take you to a surprisingly unexpected destiny:





The question we cannot wait to ask you is: 


"Who are you, Beloved?"


What is the name our Heavenly Father gave you before the beginning of time?


This is the revelation we stumbled upon when studying

Genesis 24.






In Genesis 24, Abraham asks his faithful servant, Eliezer, to travel a long distance, instructing him to take ten camels - loaded down with treasure - in search of a bride for his son.


Are you already tingling with anticipation that this is going to be an epic love story?


The God of Abraham sent an angel ahead of the servant to a well where a beautiful maiden named Rebekah would arrive in a timely fashion, being the answer to the servant's prayer. Upon his request, Rebekah gives the servant a drink of water from her jug and then offers to water his ten thirsty camels. Who does that? Could it be that when we are operating in our namesake, doing a God-given task is like breathing? Standing silently by and watching her complete an enormous task, Eliezer is convinced she is the one for his master's son.


As the story continues, Rebekah is given the unprecedented honor of deciding for herself if she will go back with the servant and become the bride of the father's only son or stay with the familiar.


Her "I will" is significant.


It is the key to her future.


She makes this decision of her own free will.


At the end of the chapter, it says she gets on her camel and is about to set off in the direction of the great unknown... with her nurse and bride's maids. Are you relieved, comforted that this is not a solo flight, but rather a support group? Do you find yourself cheering them on for their courage and curiosity? Are you secretly hoping you will be invited to be a part of this outlandish adventure?


Consider yourself invited!!!


This is your invitation and these are the things you'll want to bring to the party:


TRUST--> Childlike faith to let God take you to where He can use you and grow you.


FOLLOW--> YOU ARE NOT IN CHARGE. Let the reins slip through your fingers and raise and wave your hands in praise and worship! (Close your eyes. Can you picture the angels God has sent ahead of you and the thousands upon thousands of camel riders He has surrounding you?)


EXPECTATIONS--> the destiny... the Bridegroom! Will it be love at first sight? Will we speak His language? Will we come to love the things He loves?


PROOF OF IDENTITY-->Who is the amazing soul the Father has placed deep inside your spirit to carry out the mission He has divinely designed specifically for you? This is your new name - your identity in Christ. This is what Heaven calls you and it is your calling - and this is only the beginning.


Come and meet some of the herd. Check out Camel Riding 101 and scroll down to the Well ("I AM")...



...WELLcome to the party!!!



Finish well.



You have come to the place where...
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Scroll down for a GOoD story.

Ride with Us!

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